Cave Diver

A new game for Windows.

The aim of this game is to use your little submarine to dive around in the caves looking for treasures.

On your journey you will meet dangerous fish and deadly mines.

To open the gates, you need to find the switches first.

You have three bullets to defend yourself with, but more are hidden in each level.

So fight you way through eight thrilling and exciting levels and see if you can finish the game.

The is also a shop where you can buy upgrades to your submarine.

So find your way through all eight levels to finish the game.

I hope you enjoy this free game for Windows.

Main menu: 
Space           = Start the game.
M                    = Toggle music.
Escape         = Exit game.

Level select:
H                      = Main screen.
S      ...

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Catching Moonlight

Briggs was out walking with his dog Nobo when Nobo suddently ran away.

Brigs was looking for Nobo for a few hours without finding him so he went home.

Later he got a message from a kidnapper who has Nobo and the he want Briggs to collect moonlight in order to get Nobo back.

He has taken Nobo apart an burried all 12 pieces in the 12 levels.

Briggs need to complete each level to get all the parts.

Download this platform game for Windows.

Get the game here

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Programming the Commodore Amiga again

In this book you will learn to make games with Amos Professional.

I will show you how to make different games. Both with one screen levels and big scrolling maps.
Learn to use the great language Amos Professional.
The image on top of this page was take from my original Amos Professional box.

You will learn different technics that you can use in your own games.
You can also continue with the games in this book, it’s up to you.

Links to buy the book:

To buy the book as PDF from this page, please click on this link.
When you click this link you then need to go to checkout to finish.

Get it as Amazon Kindle book on this link.

Get it as Amazon paperback on this link.

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Still programming the Commodore 64

It’s been a while since I wrote my first book about programming the Commodore 64 in assembly. Read about my first book here.

But now my second book is finished and can be bought from this page.
See the links at the bottom.

Still programming the Commodore 64.

In this book you will learn to make a game called Cave Diver 2 – The sequel.

Here’s a little video from the game.

In this book you will learn how to scroll a big 100×100 character map made in CharPad, move a sprite around, shoot a bullet, play music, scroll a text, animate characters and much more.

I want to thank John Dale aka OldSkoolCoder for both helping me while writing the book and for writing the foreword for th...

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Kick Assembler Studio

Kick Assembler Studio is a Commodore Assembly editor that uses Kick Assembler to compile source code.

Kick Assembler Studio
Image of Kick Assembler Studio

It’s free to use and can be downloaded from here.

In KAS you can open single files and compile and run them.

Or you can create a project, open a file and add it to the project.
Then next time you open the project, the files will automatically be loaded.

This is a work in progress so bare ind mind that there could be bugs.

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Programming the Commodore 64 again

Learn C64 assembly.

Want to learn how to make a game in Commodore 64 assembly.

Learn C64 assembly

I made my self a new years resolution this year. I wan’t to create atleast one basic game in Commodore 64 and atleast one assembly game in Commodore 64.
Back in january I finished my basic game Ticle Tocle, which can be found on this site.

While I was learning or relearning C64 assembly I  wrote down all the information I found. And before I knew it, it was writing a book about programming assembly on the Commodore 64.

I will take you through the creation of a Commodore 64 assembly game step by step. You will learn to control sprites, custom charactersets, collison, soundeffect and much more. You can always build on the Cave Diver game and add more levels of your own. It up to you.

You will c...

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Ticle Tocle

A retro game for the Commodore 64.

Ticle Tocle is a Tic Tac Toe clone made for Commodore 64 in CBM Prg Studio and is written in basic.

Main menu

Main menu for Ticle Tocle

Ticle Tocle instructions

Ticle Tocle game screen

Ticle Tocle winner screen

This is my first game for Commodore 64 in more than 30 years, so bare with me if you find some bugs in this game.


The game can be played as player vs player and player vs computer.

Just bare in mind that the game AI is nothing like Einstein, but more like Homer Simpson.

You are free to edit the code if you want, there is no restrictions.


Download the game as a disk image here.




If you want to support the development of more games for the Commodore machines then please consider to donate...

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Tower Inferno Challenge

In this game the object is to rescue men in a burning building.
Rescue as many as you can but beware if one of them gets past you the game is over.

For each men you rescue the faster things will move, so be alert!

There is a online leaderboard so you can see you score against other players.

You must beat the local highscore to get to the online leaderboard.
You can only use the same leaderboard name if you beat the online score with the same name.
But you can always reset the local score.

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Battle Match

In Battle Match the object is to remove all the blocks before the time rans out.
It sound more easy then it is!

When you remove a block the other block will fall down because of gravity, so it gets harder to remember where they block where.

So challenge your mind and try to get longer and longer in the game. There are many leves to complete.

If memory games is for you then you may enjoy this one.

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The Mad Scientist for Windows, Mac and Web

In the Mad Scientist you fly around in a helicopter trying to find miners who have been kidnapped by a Mad Scientist.

All levels are filled with challenges.

This game is a BETA game and there may be som b bugs!

You can play the web version on this link.

You can download the Mac version here.

You can download the Windows version here.

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